Charter of patient Rights
1- Receiving desirable heath service is patient’s right:
Offering heath service should be meritorious to human dignity , respectful to values , beliefs ,According to fairness and far from any discrimination and should take place based on day’ s knowledge and in fastest time , as for vulnerable groups and respecting cultural and language differences .
2- Information should be afforded to the patient in a desirable and sufficient manner. The content of the information should contain the charters of patient’ s rights , criteria and predictable costs , name and the rank of the doctor and the nurse , diagnosis of disease and decisions of therapeutic group and necessary trainings to continue treatment . information should be given in a suitable time, depending on his/her and accompanier’ s condition ( physical & spiritual ) and registered information should be accessible .
3- The free choice and decision of the patient in receiving health services should be respected:
The choice range is in electing therapeutic doctor, consultant and clinic participating in researches, accepting proposed treatments, the decision and choice should be knowingly and freely and should be after receiving sufficient and comprehensive information.
4- Offering health service should be based on respect to patient’s privacy and secrecy:
In all processes, we should respect patient’s privacy, and should observe secrecy. Patient is allowed to have a confident accompanier during diagnostic and examination processes.
5- The patient is allowed to complain to authorities in the condition of discrimination and to know the pursuance manner and the result.